Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Parking Assignments: Aug 31st

I am going to be adding the maps again because we are going to be experiencing some "Easter" like days in the near future. We will be having one person be a spotter for the rows during every section and we will also be needing people to help get the flow into the back lot. We are going to be tracking the car flow into and out of the lot and I will post the weekend numbers on the site for all the stat geeks in the group like me. See you sunday!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 24th Parking Assignments

Here we go for this week. Better late than never. Thanks to everyone for your help.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Parking Schedule: August 17th

Hello everyone. Here is this weeks schedule and I will be gone during the first 2 shifts so if you have anything that needs communicating please call Peter at 425-736-8060. Also, next friday is the worship night and I'm going to probably need parking help. Probably 4 people to direct and 4 people to exit for about 10 minutes? I think we will set up some cones just to eliminate the flow of cars from coming in front of the entrance. Was way to crazy last time. Those who can help let me know it won't be to much. Thanks,

Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 10th: Parking Assignments

Hey everyone, here is this weeks parking assignments. This has been a crazy summer and thanks to all those who have been able to help. We really appreciate all your help and your ability to juggle your schedules and still help. We are fast approaching fall and we want to see who all is interested in committing to the next session of parking. Just like growth groups I don't want people to feel like they are locked into always serving in this capacity. If you would like to stay with this that is great but if you want to transition into serving in a different area just let me know.
I heard a person say the other day that they aren't looking to serve they just want to be fed! A wise individual responded to them by saying " I hate it when people say that!" The other person asked why? The wise individual responded that "If all your doing is getting fed than you just get Fat! You need to work it out! " I loved that response because the parking team is definitely not getting Fat! Thanks so much for your help and your willingness to serve at Eastlake.