Friday, April 18, 2008

Great Job!

I just wanted to thank everyone for their commitment, enthusiasm and most important...Time! This whole parking thing kinda just happened to explode with need and you all answered!

When we started the parking team nearly 2.5 yrs ago, we thought we had it tough! Three of us struggled yet managed to park 90-something cars in the front lot at Kirkland Jr. High. Then we had to fill up the back two lots (really with out too much effort). Things got even easier when we started the trolley deal. We actually stood and watched people park themselves! It was sweet!

Now.... it's a new ball game! Three of us thought we'd be able to handle it on that fateful Easter Sunday! I don't think we really knew how many cars we had to deal with!! Cars hit us like waves of armies from the movie "300"!!! We crapped our pants! (but, it was dumping rain, so no one could tell). All they could see was a LONG wait!

Since then, I am confident in how we've been forced to grow, change, adapt and control! Now having seen just how amazingly vital and critical the ECC Parking Team has become, we can park a steady flow of 500-600 cars PER SERVICE!! If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about!! Its a RUSH! With out this team.... Eastlake's parking lot would be full of angry drivers and more accidents then the Genus Book of world Records would know what to do with! So Thank you to ALL who has volunteered once or who is now a Parking Team Rockstar!!! Please tell every one how kick-a$# it is!!!


1 comment:

Brian said...

Thanks Pat

Thats fun to read what you guys went through back in the beginning. I remember people being upset about having to park in the back lot at KJH. Such a long walk! Sunday went great and I will be revising the flow chart and org chart this week as we will probably be getting rid of row guides as we did such a good job of spacing cars on Sunday.