Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sunday May 30th Parking Assignments!

Regular Schedule!

See you tomorrow! If you can't make it give me a call. Ken Davis thanks for the call already!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Parking Assignments May 17th

Hey everyone! Well, our morning crew has gotten a little smaller as Peter and Pat have left and headed for greener pasture! Pat is working the night shift and Peter is going to help with something production related! So with that in mind and the fact that we will be shifting to 1 night service this summer I'm going to be looking for some additional help in the mornings. Mainly the exit after the 11:20 service!

Let me know what your schedule will be like this summer and please try and think of anyone who might be hanging out and would be great to get involved. If you know of someone give me a name and number and I will call them. Also, it's summer growth group time and we have a number of parking team members who are leading groups. Paul Anderson, Dave Johnson, Eric Koho, Stephen Branstetter, Ken Davis and several others are leading groups. Send me your info and I will post your group on the blog so the parking team knows about them. I will be gone this weekend but Rob Rees is around and will be communicating with people on where to be. Thanks,


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mothers Day Parking Assignments

Here is the mothers day schedule! I am filling it as best as I can because it's gonna be busy!

This next week we are going to try to send more people to the back earlier. Less filling up the early rows and more filling up the back. There has been an issue with kids walking through the sanctuary while the service is going on! So, we are going to send more people to the back earlier and probably even leave row 2 coned off until the service is about to start. That way there will always be parking up front. Thanks and see you sunday. Any thoughts? We could have another parking team meeting/beer drinking party at Russells one of these days to iron things out? Any takers?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Parking Assignments May 3rd

Hey guys, Here is this weeks parking assignments. Thanks to everyone for your help! If anyone knows more people who would be great with parking please let me know. I cannot work the exit for the 11:20 service so we are a man short! Have a great weekend and see you Sunday.