Friday, August 14, 2009

August Schedule!

Hey guys,

We have the schedule for the month of august on here so if your on the schedule I appreciate it. A couple guys updated me this week and I haven't added them to the list. Roma 9:00 and Stephen after the 11:20. Congrats Stephen! Have a good weeekend and see ya sunday!

Friday, August 7, 2009

August Schedule

Hey everyone! Thanks for filling out my email to most of you! As you can see I am trying to rotate everyone to accomodate schedules and just trying to keep everyone fresh. Thanks for all your help! This is a tough job but is so vital to the church! It would be much easier and probably fun to just attend church and not get involved in serving. Thank you to everyone for your awesome help. As you can see we are still a little weak in a lot of spots! I still need to get more people involved to continue to make parking the strongest team at Eastlake!
